Monday, September 25, 2017

The flopness of Brite!

I think advertisers today are losing their minds. Most of the ads that we see don’t make sense. One such ad that I would rave and rant on and on about would be the Brite ad. It’s not only lame, its completely off the bucket. Literally.
The ad commences with this nice well-groomed lady, who looks at an article of clothing and tends to renaissance on the past where a waiter dropped food on her, and while she kept lamenting that the stain wouldn’t go away, the manager not only struck of their bill, but also advised the lady to ‘try Brite’. Low and behold the next screen shows the lady with her daughter-in-law who is none other than the restaurant manager.
This ad is so so sooooo wrong on so many levels (at least in MY opinion, you’re entitled to yours if you like it). The first shot of the ad shows the lady in a nice airy room. Looking at her, you can see she belongs to the upper class with her persona and surroundings. She has her son’s (or husband’s) shirt in her hand and is remembering the past when she went with her family to some restaurant for dinner. The next frame, shows the same woman whining and complaining to the waiter for dropping food on her … (which okay honestly speaking we would do as well, while demanding to see the manager). Within the same frame the manager (a female) is standing in the corner noticing the scene and comes to the table (like any manager would), here the aunty’s son does the ‘pehli nazar maaf’ thing and looks at the girl … or rather has an eyeful of the girl!
If you look at the female manager she is impeccably groomed with flawless hair and makeup and HONESTLY I have yet to see PERFECT party make up on female managers when we go to restaurants. Anyway the manager apologizes, the next line would have irritated any normal customer, but this aunty went a step ahead and said that the stain won’t go. The manager not only cancels the bill, but also advices the lady to use ‘Brite’. Now the issue here, atleast for me is that in any NORMAL scenario, if someone dropped food on us, we’d simply ask for the manager and they wouldn’t give a freebee meal, but would cut a percentage of it, also if they were to ‘advice’ us to use a specific detergent, most of us would get really pissy and tell them to shove their advice where it belonged. Secondly, MOST of the managers are male … so they don’t usually do this … I hope!
The final scene that bungles my mind the most is that the girl (manager) is now the aunty’s daughter-in-law! Seriously?! I am not being mean or heartless but all I want to clarify here is that usually girls from low income backgrounds usually work as restaurant managers and thus to show one married into a high end family is seriously off the rocket. The whole concept is completely cliché. Not all stains have a story, actually most often than not stains DON’T have a story, be it a sibling dropping food on you, or you yourself dropping food (other anything else)! Not only this it DOES NOT lead to marriage. The only thing that can be said over this rant is that please choose advertising agencies for this quality of work NOT because they have been in the market for long or are considered as major brand names.
Try new agencies, I am sure they will give better ideas, after all businesses need new blood (in this case it needs a complete new body!)

#Brite #Rishta #washingpowder #restaurant

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