Tuesday, August 30, 2016

HBL ki Rosheen Khan!

It’s been a while since I wrote (or maybe not), but HBL is at it again it seems. First it was the lady (Samina Baig) that climbed the mountain and that’s all she did (we are still trying to figure out if HBL sponsored her climb or was using her as an endorsement or neither!) and now it is the diver – correction scuba diver named Rosheen Khan who is making her mark on the ATL score.

The ad opens with a cute little girl looking sort of gloomily at the fish (can’t decide whether she wants it as a pet or just eat it I guess) and lands in a boat with a “I’m the king of the world” action … to show that she’s enjoying the air maybe … with the voice over that talks of dreams that have to be fulfilled. Suddenly we’re underwater and everything is about “under the seaaa ... under the seaaaa … darling its better down where its … take it from me!”

The moment of pride is when we get to know that she is the first female scuba diver (go girl power!). Oh completely forgot there is a moment of almost ‘fear’ when a shark swims by and she … sort of sinks … but rises from the depths all triumphant and proud. The ad ends with the, “Khawab kisi ameer ya ghareeb ki jagir nahi”.

Overall the ad seemed really blue (pun intended). It seemed to have a sort of melancholy outlook to it. It is understandable that the underwater scenes would obviously be blue. Yet it lacked the brightness (may the marine life or the fact that cartoons like “Little Mermaid”, “Finding Nemo” and “Finding Dory” have given me a brighter perspective of the underwater world!) kind of giving it a depressive tone to the ad. Shouldn’t she be happy that she is the first female to do this? It seems that she is sidelined and not really the main person for the ad … but a spectator herself trying to absorb what is happening about her.

Finally throughout the ad I see zilch of what HBL did for her … except maybe have their logo on her costume. Nothing what-so-ever is highlighted about the bank or how it facilitated her during the hardships that she may have faced during her training. IF HBL really wants to talk of ‘enabling dreams’ then they should focus on people who are up starts, make something out of them and then proudly proclaim that THIS is the person who WE have enabled in achieving their dreams. 

Ad Rating: 2 winks. 

Thursday, August 25, 2016

HBL anyone?

HBL has recently celebrated a completion of 75 years. We have been seeing the HBL “75 years” logo in all different print ads that have been shared over a period of time. But since the past few days their building has been gloriously bright with their signature green color and lighting effects as well. (Funny even UBL plaza has taken on the color green, I guess in part to show unity with HBL. To be called a part of “I am HBL”).
Coming back to HBL and its 75 years, the celebrations have print ads showing the tall HBL plaza building or rather a white sketch of HBL Plaza on a palette of different green shades (fifty shades of green maybe). Now when I look at the message all I can think is off a tall, proud old man who is standing in this patriotic garb screaming out how he has changed lives and is boasting of nothing more that empty promises of ‘enabling dreams’.
The final call, “I am HBL” doesn’t resonate with me. Why? Because I am truly not a part of HBL. Do they even know that their services have completely gone to the dogs? I wonder when was the last time they carried out a customer survey or awareness program to know what people ACTUALLY think of their bank? They need to have a true eye opener that through they maybe an ‘old’ bank they are definitely not the best around town.

PS: apologies about the literally off image that is shared. HBL has no other images to offer on google that could be added for 75 years!!

Thursday, August 18, 2016

Zalimmaaa ab tu ponstan khila dei!

Coke has been affiliated with music for quite some time now, with its coke studio going strong to season 9 along with singers and songs that are over the roof and have driven the nation to enthusiasm. The same is seen with its ad, the new in thing called, “Zalima coca cola pila dey”. Social media is bombarded with this line with memes and comics that have literally made not only the youth, but the old sing it out as well. The original piece, sung by Madam Noor Jehan (more so ear piercing than the modern counterpart) has paved its way now for Meesha Shafi and Umair Jaswal to sing it as well.

Looking at the ad it begins in a studio where yours truly the popular Meesha Shafi (looking all preppy), Umair Jaswal (not to preppy) and a cute sort of guy that seems to have a squint are sitting in the studio and the cutie starts to play the tabla (I think it’s the tabla). This prompts Meesha I guess to notice Umair and ends up eyeing him drinking (gulping) a coke instead! So she starts off with, “Sooonnaaayyaaa coca cola pila dey”. 

The candidness begins and he gives her a cheesy smile and keeps the bottle on a big red button (that OBVIOUSLY) makes them go on air (mistake tha jee) so that he too can partake in the singalong. Mr. Umair starts off with the zalimaaa bit and the scene goes to hottie 2 in a kiryana store where he does the pulling dance (you know the one where your roping in the person and pulling them! Disclaimer: Done at mostly all dance functions to showcase excite or the lack of dance talent!) with a bewildered shop owner starring at him (the expression can clearly be translated to, “has idiot has completely lost his mind or is high on something I didn’t get!”).

The ad seems to flow between various scenes like the one where there are two students in the library, both apparently listening to this on their headphones and the girl offers the guy her coke that he (literally with a shy smile) takes as well. Out of the blue, btw, there is a complete band as well, whom look like foreigners, playing to the songs beat as well. Within the ad day passes to night (with these guys still going strong on the Zalimmaaaaa) and a projector screen is seen with Misha Shafi moving to the beat (I thought they were on radio and the song was being aired by mistake but oh well) and a complete concert starts with people making the beat with the coke caps and empty bottles. The scene (finally) goes back to the studio were we see the three again and Umair realizing that the ‘On air’ sign was on hence rushing to remove the bottle from it thus ending the concert as well (I guess).

The concept and the song I love. Truly. But now the ad is a bit of an irritation than something that is fun to hear and enjoy. Coca cola (coke) has always come up with new ideas and concepts that literally create a pull and appeal to attract their consumers, but this ad when you literally forget the music for a bit and look at the scenes, tends to be a bit hopscotch. Maybe this was made to promote Coke Studio Season 9 or the concept of music that they are trying to get to but honestly … I just liked the concept of ‘sharing happiness’ better.

Ad rating: 3 winks.

Monday, August 1, 2016

Welcome to the world of Chaiwala

It has been a while since I gave a review about the eateries that have been popping up especially those near Khayaban-e-Muhafiz (I think) area. That line is populated with famous dhabas that have gained popularity over time and are favored by all and sundry not only to relax but to have business meetings and big business plans carried out as well.
One of these dhabas that has grown in significance is Chaiwala, a name that now resonates with the best tea and parathas in town. Truly Chaiwala’s popularity has hit the roof (if they had one because here the sky is the limit!). To those of you who don’t know, Chaiwala is an open aired parking lot based dhaba of sorts that has quite an elite gentry going to it.
The dhaba opens at night (I think because I haven’t bothered going in the afternoon or evening to know!!) an the open air, truck art graffiti on the wall and plastic chairs and tables in the empty plot along with the plot right opposite to the dhaba full of cars with waiting customers just about adds to the ambiance of the place.
Before I go on about Chaiwala, let me point out that right next to it is another eatery by the name of ‘Dandees’ and yet another by the name of ‘Chai Shai’ that has their own artwork and graffiti as well. These two have also gone on to have a booming business here though I don’t think they give ‘Chaiwala much competition (or maybe they do).
Coming back to the point, my recent trip there was to pick a quick order and as usual we landed in the car park/waiting area to be bombarded with waiters from all surrounding eateries but ‘Chaiwala’ itself. Upon asking for the waiter from ‘Chaiwala’ we waited a good 30 minutes (yes we timed it), and finally got fed up only to take the car in the lane right next to it so that someone could see us and serve as well!! Finally when a poor waiter did come he couldn't understand head or tail of what we wanted, but I'll give the guy his due he immediately sent another waiter (well trained) who took our order with a promise to give the take away items within 10 minutes (something that all eateries including this one says but never does!).
One thing before I go on is that Chaiwala's tea aka chai and parathas are phenomenally delicious. It has to offer a wide range of tea and parathas to choose from that are not only mouth-watering but hygienically served as well (I have no idea how clean the kitchen itself is an I don't really care as long as there is good hot food to stuff in the face).
Their Nutella paratha is to die for and the chicken cheese one topped with a cup of doodh patti or Kashmiri chai is simply delish!
We had ended up ordering their plain paratha, hummus paratha, cheese, chicken cheese and anda cheese parathas. By the way they have an amazing variety and I could go one an on but you literally need to go an try for yourself to know. The order took a good half an hour to 45 minutes before it finally reached us. But hey its food, good food so you can compensate on timing a bit I guess if you are a happy go lucky person.
Happily, on my way with the order, we had a blast with our taste buds especially with the tangy spicy cheese an chicken paratha an the hummus one.
The only downside (well 3 downsides) to this place are that firstly the service is slow (almost dead), secondly the ample amount of beggars there to fleece you and thirdly if by chance you sit in the open air area the mosquitoes that come along with the ambiance as well.
On the whole Chaiwala has done quite well and till date I think have managed to maintain their quality and taste as well (or maybe it’s my luck that I get good food whenever I go!).

Rating: 4 stars!