Sometimes, like today, I got scared, I needed you today but
you weren’t there. I didn’t want to speak of love or marriage. I just wanted
your support, but you weren’t there to give it. You said right after dinner I could
call yet an hour later you were not bothered. All I needed was a little care. Nothing
more nothing less. Your game was more important than my worry. I was upset and
crying yet you seemed cold. I was shaking and needed warmth you seemed aloof to
my pain. I know I’m not pretty, I’m far from it. I know you have other options
better than me, but I know one thing you will never find a girl like me. No one
will love and care for you like I have. No one will stand by you like I have. I
care for you like my husband, my soul mate, in short my life. I am willing to
give my life to be with you, but are you willing to do the same? I doubt it.
Everyone says positivity is important, but you know what I have
been hurt so many times that I no longer am happy or positive. I feel like a
lost soul. Useless and unwanted.