Friday, June 24, 2011

Beast _ a Beastly Review

Beastly is a movie that, well, is a remake of the fairy tale Beauty and the Beast set in the modern day backing of New York City. The movie is about a Kyle Kingson, a rich bad boy belonging to the cream of society, who like father (Rob) is arrogant about his good looks and wealth. He messes with the ...well witch named Kendra in his school and she in turn sets out to teach him in a lesson in the typical fairy tale manner by casting a spell on him.  
The story flows to other characters being introduced such as Lindy, whom he falls in love with, Zola the house maid and Will the blind tutor, who end up being his support system and also later help him get the girl.
As is the story of Beauty and the Beast well the hero turns into the beast and is forewarned that if he does not get true love within a year (spring flowers bloom) then he shall remain ugly forever. Well this is where lady luck works and in comes Lindy, whose father is conveniently a drug addict and so in a street fight ends up sending in his daughter for protection to the beast. The two slowing become friends and soon, as usual he falls in love with her yet is unsure of her love in return. During this time he visits Kendra for the last time to beg her to reverse the spell, which she refuses to do, however she does promise that she would get Zola's three children green cards and Will his eye sight if Lindy falls for him.
Ultimately before going to a school trip to "Machu Picchu" she does confess her love for him which changes him back to the original form and she gets her prince charming. As per the deal Will gets his eye sight and Zola, the green cards for her children. The movie ends on the note of Kendra walking into Rob's office as the new intern and automatically we assume that she will ..well punish him and teach him a lesson in the same manner as well.
The cast comprises of Alex Pettyfer (Kyle the beast), Vanessa Hudgens ( Lindy), Mary-Kate Olsen (Kendra), Lisa Gay Hamilton (Zola), Neil Patrick Harris (Will) and Peter Krause (Rob, the father).  The movie is written and directed by Daniel Barnz and was originally supposed to released in 2010 but was released this year that is 2011 instead.
The movie itself turned out to be a bit of a drag especially the scenes like "best embrace the suck" and when Kyle is all pretense trying to be cool. Dialogues are not that strong as well, though the make-up done to make the 'beast' is awesome and worth the effort. The story line is okay and for most it seems like a typical teenage story that shows how one gets the guy in the end. If I were to rate this from 1 to 5 it would definitely end up being a 2.

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