Tuesday, November 23, 2010

To hug or not to hug … that’s the question!

It’s funny the way people meet these days… some walk in an announce their arrival with a loud and clear “hello” or “Salaaamm” others simply walk in and mumble as they walk hurriedly to their cubicles. Then come the handshakes. Some walk in and as they meet their friends and colleagues give a hearty shake and walk off others give a pat shake (the one that seems to say “I’m shaking your hand for the sake of shaking and I don’t really like touching your hand but I’m doing it because I have to show I’m courteous!”)
Girls of the other hand kiss each other on the cheek as a method of salutation! This too has been observed to be of many kinds, like the air kiss, the hesitant kiss and of course the simple cheek brush! But the best yet is what the guys do.
The hugs that guys give when they greet each other are a fun watch. Some give each other a bear hug, the one that seems to envelop each other, others (like long lost friends) hug and then do a sort of a jiggle…not an actual dance but something that moves the torso! Then as a colleague of mine observed today (and quite rightly so) that when guys give a hug they seem to simply brush their shoulders and back off … as if to say “Oh God I’m touching you! Keep away from me!”
Upon enquiring from a male as to the reason why this type of a hug is present his reply was “yaar we wear starched clothes on eid na and we don’t want the starch to get ruined so we meet that way! So I guess the tradition of that has followed suit to this new kind of hug!

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