Tuesday, November 23, 2010

The Contributors

Upon joining my ex work place (which shall not be disclosed) I was introduced to a new way of expressing myself online with regards to madly searching for articles (or writing them ourselves) pertaining to brands and services that had a digital touch to them! It was a task that most of us tried to avoid and when finally thrust upon our heads, by the “blog manager” aka Afreen, we’d grumble our way though this tedious task and manage to dig up some good articles for the site.
The reason I write this is because today I would like to thank her for something that she has taught me. That “something” is simply to apply the art of engaging online and letting the others know what the hoo haa is all about. For a person who used to hate searching for digital news whether on or offline, it has now become a part of me to search the net for articles related to the internet technology, and photography (personal interest is involved here you see cause this is a part of my partnered business as well! ;))
Well now is the time that I would thank her for allowing me to develop the art of blogging. Here I would also like to thank Naveen, a happy blogger from London aka my bestest (if that even is a word) friend, who in a very unintentional way made me remember that I too can blog and share my experiences (the good and the bad) with the world so all who basically read get to see the world as I see it!
This blog is therefore dedicated to these two pretty ladies who have reminded me of my once a upon a time passion that I will definitely keep alive and share with those interested in the small yet growing world of blogging!