Friday, December 24, 2010

Wake up call?

Today while going to lunch with a couple of friends we passed the 2 swords (a popular round about in Clifton for those who don’t know) and there we saw about a handful of people standing all around with banners saying “Rape is Rape it should be stopped” and others too with such dialogues. We all have heard about the rape case that took place a couple of days ago, of a girl who was returning from a party late night and some people forcefully banged into her car, dragged her out and then gang raped her and threw her somewhere at Seaview.
As the news spread and our every read to provide justice media leapt in many stories evolved. Some said she was a hairdresser returning from a party, others made her to be an exotic dancer and many others said that she was a prostitute and therefore got what she deserved. A female minister went to the extent of saying that the girl was rude that she was not giving a statement to the media about the injustice that took place with her.
Lady for you I would like to ask, if God forbid something like that happened to you or someone within your family would you or they give an jolly well interview on media describing the dire situation you had been through? Logic prevails that a girl’s reputation is to be protected at all times… would you want to expose her is such a situation and blatantly speak to the media? Or would you protect her from the vultures that we call our media and provide her with the help and care she needs?
Today in Karachi, the rate of rape is high. First there was the case of the white corolla, where the guy had no shame for what he and his accomplices where up to, then came the baby in the basket case. And now this. Stories of girls being drugged and taken from shrines is common but these are new antics being applied to lure girls to have such cases. Who is to blame in this situation? The girls? The people? who? How can this be stopped? Can it be stopped? All these questions pop up but no one seems to have an answer.
Today looking at the protest taking place, it felt good to see that finally the people of only a hand full have finally gotten up and come forward to fight and finally (hopefully) create a change!

Friday, December 17, 2010

Best Friends forever?

Pinky promises, crying on each other’s shoulders, caring for each other and being there for each other that’s what best friends are all about. Right? Well in the past year I came close to a friend, who proved to be not only a best friend but more than anything thing I could ask for. He knows me inside out, knows my mood swings, bears my nasty fits and to top it all off he is there for me whenever I have hollered for him.
So my best friend, this is dedicated to you. You have been there for me more so than I can remember, during the times of our fights to the times when I bugged you mercilessly, you have never said a word to me. (Well actually you have, and have gotten responses to those too but this is a dedication to you so nothing nasty =p). Today I thank you for being there.
Not only a friend but a partner as well. Throughout our business tenure you have come up with crazy ideas more so than I have, and have always believed in me, have had faith that I will always be there to push you.
I hope I have been a good friend to you to whenever you needed me , if not then I hope I can be so in the future.
You’re the best =)