Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Remembering 2014 ... Welcoming 2015!

With the end of the year and the beginning of a new one, this year has proved to have its own turmoil for me. From love to life, from work to fun it has given me good times and bad times, fun times and sad times all in a basket of emotions that if not have matured me, have definitely given me lessons to from.

I have laughed, fought, cried, smiled, dreamt, feared, and above all have learnt to honor life for what it’s worth. The year began with domestic trips and a new place of employment that I came to love (with its ups and downs and lack of sparks in me! :D). It bought on new friends and some renewed owns too!  It also bought along a line of friends that became acquaintances followed by becoming strangers in my life. 

To my friends who have stuck on with me, I love you all, you’re the best people in my life cause you have clearly understood me and have decided to be in my life no matter what! Be it a simple cup of tea, ice cream rounds, food street rounds, running around all of Lahore or road trips, you guys are the glue I need to keep me sticky and happy!

This year I loved again and loved with all my heart, and will love till the very end of time for sure. From a simple poke to a bond stronger than friends, you’re a pillar that I can always lean on for support no matter what. With fights and forgiveness, understanding and care, at times the hurt and despair you have become life and one that means the world to me and for the next year and years to come. You are life for me a part of my soul that I can’t afford to lose.

I lost loved ones, towards the end of the year, words cannot express how I feel and how much I miss you. The secret trips to the cafĂ© at the corner, our round up trips to itwar bazaar, the late night bitching sessions, the fights and the advice. I can’t believe your gone.

To my mother who has been there for me through thick and thin, I hope you remain so for the rest of my life, silently watching over me and guiding me. You bear my tantrums better than anyone else and wipe my tears when it feels like the world has ended for me.

To my sisters, close and far, and their little ones, the movies together, the gossip sessions, the advice shared and the fact that for you guys I’m still the baby. I love you all!

The last day, that is today, and new found respect for my dad. The support he shared with me today made me feel stronger than ever before. Our relation has its own little space where we fight more that talk, but you have and always will be someone I love and adore.

Now for the year 2015. I welcome you with open arms. I hope you turn out to be even better than the last with new lessons (good ones) and news that is full of happiness, joy and lots and lots of love! I want to see prosperity, happiness and eagerness for each new day as it rolls from tomorrow onwards. I want it to be my year! I’m no mother Teresa but I want happiness for all and prosperity for the one I love and care about with a pray that only the very best is given.
Welcome 2015.